Thursday, October 23, 2008


My name is Michael Robin Cooke, I'm a graphic artist, illustrator, printer and web designer.

To the left is one of the 'Halloween' designs I created to sell online - it's not going to be available again 'till next year tho.

I've worked as a graphic artist for over a decade, some in advertising (Young and Rubicam) and much in fashion (my design work has been sold to DKNY, Enyce, Heatherette, Target, Wal-Mart and many more). I've done a lot of work in tee-shirts, the tourist trap work for MBSLOVE, and websites, and, currently I'm the main designer, printer and webmaster for offers custom digital prints on really good quality shirts. This is a big deal, as the print technology is chemical based, and cheap shirts don't print well at all.

Here I'll post ideas and stuff that will serve as first drafts of 'content for the T-shirt factory site.